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Were The First Yuchi Indians Black? Hidden History Of American Aboriginals


According to their own cosmology they were!

Among the indigenous tribes of the southeastern United States, living within a territory roughly defined by the borders of Georgia and South Carolina, was one, exhibiting a type of culture common to the inhabitants of the country bordering on the Gulf of Mexico east of the Mississippi river, whose members called themselves Tsoyahd, "Offspring of the Sun," otherwise known as the Yuchi.

The Yuchi, in accordance with their belief that they were the original occupants of eastern Georgia and South Carolina, have no migration legend. Their only myth of this class tells how a part of the tribe broke away from the main stock as the result of a dispute at a dance and departed westward, never to be heard of again.The following translation from the beginning of a myth, describing the way in which the tribes were distributed over the earth, shows the Yuchi concept regarding the origin of their neighbors : "Now the people had come upon the earth. The Shawnee came from above. The Creeks came from the ground. The Choctaw came from the water. The Yuchi came from the sun." In the cosmology of the Yuchi Indians of Tennessee, the Sun and the Moon were of the highest rank. Some people were consider to be above everyday Yuchi people because they were decended from the Sun himself. In his Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians, Frank Gouldsmith Speck notes:

"It should be mentioned here that at certain times since the origin there have been born individuals with a very dark shade of skin. These black- skinned Yuchi, as they are termed, are looked upon as being more closely related to Sun than the rest of the people. They are said to be his direct offspring, their mothers having become pregnant by Sun. As no particular rank is given them, however, their position is a sort of empty aristocracy. Several black- skinned Yuchi are said to be living today, but I have not been fortunate enough to see them."

Micco Lonzado Langley of the Savannah River Band of Euchee Indians (left)

Origin of the Yuchi. (Second Version.) " There was a Sun and there was a Moon. Then the Moon was in her menstrual courses. When she got up, a drop of the blood fell from her and descended to the earth. The Sun saw it. He secured it and wrapped it up, laying it away thus for four days. On the fourth day he went and got it, and un wrapped it. When the bundle was opened, he saw that it had turned into a human being. Then he said: ' " You are my son. You shall be called Tsoyahd. " ' And he gave him the name Tsoyahd, Sun people or Offspring of the Sun. From him all the Yuchi had their origin. Now his descendants increased until they became a powerful people. They are weakening now, but if they ever disappear from the earth a terrible thing will happen. For the Sun said: ' " If the Yuchi perish, I will not face this world. I will turn my face away, and there will be darkness upon the earth, and it will even be the last of the earth.'" So it will come to pass if all the Yuchi die out. But now there are certain Yuchi who are known to be sons of this Sun. Whenever one of them dies the Sun turns his face away from the earth for a little while. That accounts for the eclipse. These Yuchi may be known by the color of their skin, which is nearly black. The black-skinned Yuchi are the Sun's sons. There are a few living now."

Today's Yuchi are said to be the Spiritually Unconquered Indigenious "Uchean" Free People of Color, Autonomous, Matriarchal Society. Historically, due to colonial laws the American Indian who became reclassified as "Free Persons of Color" or "Colored" or "Mulatto" were placed under the umbrella of Negro. Example, Virginia passed two acts in 1682 that combined Native Americans and Africans into one category as “negroes and other slaves.

The word “Black” may include all Negroes, but the term “Negro” does not include all Black persons...We are of the opinion that the words “White”, “Negro”, “Mulatto”, and “Black person”, whenever they occur in our constitution...must be taken in their generic sense...that the words “Black person”, in the 14th section must be taken as contra distinguished from White, and necessarily includes all races other than the Caucasian (The People v. Hall, Oct. 1, 1854, as cited in Forbes, 1993, p.65).

"European predators created clone tribes, deeming themselves as chiefs and aligning themselves with rogue Indian nations where those imposters would sign treaties which they had no birthright to. Other treaties were signed by half-breeds with European fathers who befriended old Andy Jackson for the sole purpose of self-greed. Historical writer Edward Cashin in his book From Creeks to Crackers tells a legendary story of the history about mixed breeding. Other imposters stole the identity of the several bands or tribes of Yuchi nation and changed them to Creeks.This type of nonsense could never and will never be achieved in a True Matriarchal Society. Respect is given always to the land and to the mothers of the land. Respect is given always to the land and to the mothers of the land. When a nation remains true to its blood and soil, it remains indigenous and aboriginal. Many are called Natives, but few are aboriginal.The aboriginal American Indian does not discuss his or her European or African ancestors because we have none. However, the Native American will tell you about his or her Scottish, German, Irish, British and Moorish born ancestory. Some even claim Jewish. Rightfully so, for those Johnny come lately Native American."

In the American South, European traders, mostly British colonists operating out of Charleston, South Carolina, engaged local and distant American Indian tribes to undertake slaving against their neighbors, who could be made to walk to ships that would carry them to Barbados, New York, Antigua and other ports in the Atlantic world, where they would work as slaves. While American Indians did have slaves in the 17th century, Europeans, Africans and American Indians all accepted slavery as a legitimate social institution. The Natchez, Westo, Yamasee, Euchee, Yazoo and Tawasa are among the dozens of Indian peoples who fell victims to the slaving wars, with the survivors forced to join other native communities. These are tales that Indians themselves have not told: Just as the story of Indian slavery was excluded from the European past, it was largely forgotten in American-Indian traditions. Americans often wish the past would just go away, save for those symbols we celebrate: Pocahontas saving John Smith, the "noble savage," and the first Thanksgiving. The image of Pilgrims and Indians sharing a meal is one of the most cogent images we have of American Indians and of the colonization of this continent.

Indian slavery is an important part of South Carolina's history that many know nothing about. No other state has as many historic documents that chronicles Native American slavery as South Carolina. Many having dark or black skin being classified as "Negroes" stolen, then sold. Some being sold from other tribes as prisoners of war. The black aboriginals of America may have been impacted the most due to colonization. These people did not all die out; they lost their identities through enslavement. Everywhere colonist from Europe went they practiced "breeding out" of the native people. Aboriginals of darker skin were bred out to lighten up the populations as history documents. America was no different. Many now claim that so called "African Americans" ALL came from African prisoners of war, but according to the data only 5% of Africans came to what is now the United States. Despite the disbelief many are Aboriginals. Legends of them are spread far and wide throughout Native American tradtions and oral history if one takes the time to look and listen.

Article sources:


2) Frank Gouldsmith Speck. (1909) Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians, Volume 1, Issue 1, University Museum p.107

3)The Forgotten Story of American Indian Slavery, Teachers Guide South Carolina Indians Today edited by William Moreau Goins, Ph.D.

4) Black God by Dr. Supreme Understanding

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