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Ocos, Mokaya Tradtion: The Aborigines of America 2,000 Years Before The Olmec

Urban Indian

by Dr. Clyde Winters

The figurines of the Ocos are the most significant evidence for Blacks living in the area during this period. The female figurine from Aquiles Serdan is clearly that of a Negro woman.


The original Maya as illustrated by the Ocos were Blacks. As a result, the mongoloid Maya just adopted the culture and language of the original Black Maya.

The earliest culture founded by Blacks in Mexico was the Mokaya tradition. The Mokaya tradition was situated on the Pacific coast of Mexico in the Soconusco region. Sedentary village life began as early as 2000BC. By 1700-1500 BC we see many African communities in the Mazatan region. This is called the Barra phase or Ocos complex.

I have often written about the Black(Aborigines) Native Americans, like the Ocos, but the Olmec came directly from Africa.

The Black Costa Chicas or negrocostachicanos in a region where numerous artifacts have been found that indicate that Black cultures thrives in Western Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala almost 2000 years before the Olmec sailed to Mexico from Africa and landed on the Gulf coast of Mexico.

In Belize , around 2500 B.C., we see evidence of agriculture. The iconography of this period depicts Africoids. And at Izapa in 1358 B.C., astronomer-priests invented the first American calendar. In addition numerous sculptures of blacks dating to the 2nd millennium B.C, have been found at La Venta, Chiapas, Teotihuacan and Tlatilco.

Chiapas Blacks

The earliest culture founded by Blacks in the Pacific coats region was the Mokaya tradition. The Mokaya tradition was situated on the Pacific coast of Mexico in the Soconusco region. Sedentary village life began as early as 2000BC. By 1700-1500 BC we see many African communities in the Mazatan region. This is called the Barra phase or Ocos complex.

During the Barra phase these Blacks built villages amd made beautiful ceramic vessels often with three legs. They also made a large number of effigy vessels.

Ocos Female

The Blacks of the Mokaya traditions were not Olmec. The civilization of the Mokaya traditions began 700 years before the Olmec arrived in Mexico.


In most history text the Ocos are presented as the original founders of Mayan civilization. As you can see from the art they do not look like native Americans they look negro like other Africans.

The Mongoloid Mexicans do not look like the Olmecs either

Mexicans who look like Africans today look this way because of admixture with African slaves since the Atlantic Slave Trade.

There were Black and Mongoloid Mayan tribes. .Moore,S. (1929). The Bone Change in Sickle Cell Anemia with A Note on Similar Changes Observed in Skulls of Ancient Mayan Indians,Jour of Missouri Medical Association, 26:561, is a standard work in Osteoarchaeology. Scientist use Moore's work to teach students how to recognize anemias from skeletal remains see:

Some Euro-nuts claim that Moore's work is no longer relevant yet , A. LAGIA,* C. ELIOPOULOS AND S. MANOLIS,Thalassemia: Macroscopic and Radiological Study of a Case,

explains how important the Moore paper is in understanding how to identify anemias in skeletal remains. In addition Moore's work is discussed in Whittington, S. L., & Reed, D. M. (1997). Bones of the Maya: Studies of ancient skeletons. Washington, D.C: Smithonian Institution Press ; and Wailoo, Keith. (2002). Drawing Blood: Technology and Disease Identity in Twentieth-Century America. JHU Press. The Lagia et al article was published in 2007 , this also shows that the Moore article is still referenced by Osteoarchaeologists.

Sickle cell anemia in ancient Mayan skeletons proves that there were Black Mayan tribes. We know there were Black Mayan tribes because 1) only Sub-Saharan Africans carry sickle cell anemia, and 2) Quatrefages (1889) reported that members of the Mayan Chontal tribe were Negroes or Black.

Mongoloid Native Americans carry many African genes including haplogroup M. African male gene are predominant among Mongoloid Native Americans.Native Americans carry a high frequency of R-M173 . The most predominate y-chromosome in North America is R-M173. R-M173 is found only in the Northeastern United States along with mtDNA haplogroup X (25%). Both haplogroups are found in Africa, but are absent in Siberia.

There are varying frequencies of y-chromosome M-173 in Africa and Eurasia. Whereas only between 8% and 10% of M-173 is carried by Eurasians, 82% of the carriers of this y-chromosome are found in Africa. That's right more Africans carry R-M173 than whites

haplogroup R among the Ch’ol and Chontal which stood around 15% (. The Ch’ol and Chontal also carry E1b1b . Quito A, Meraz M A, Camacho R, Schurr T, Vilar M(2013). Y-Chromosome diversity in Mayan Ch’ol and Chontal populations from Campeche and Tabasco. Retrieved 1/21/2015 from: ).

African y-chromosome are associated with YAP+ and 9bp. The YAP- associated with A-G transition at DYS271 is found among Native Americans. The YAP+ individuals include Mixe speakers (Lell, J T. (1997) Y chromosome polymorphisms in Native Americans and Siberian populations: Identification of Native American y chromosome haplotypes. Hum Genet, 100(5-6):536-543; Ruiz-Linares, A. (1999).Microsatellite provides evidence for y-chromosome diversity among the founders of the New World. Proc Natl Acad. Sci USA. 96(11):6312-6317). YAP+ is often present in haplogroups (hg) C and D.

The DYS271 transition is of African origin (32).The DSY271 Alu insertion is found only in chromosomes bearing Alu insertion (YAP+) at locus DYS287 (33). The DYS271 transition was found among the Wayuu, Zenu and Inzano. The Mexican Native American y-chromosome bearing the African markers is resident in haplogroups C and D (. Branshi N O. (1997). Origin of Amerindian y-chromosome as inferred by the analysis of six polymorphism markers. Am J. Phys, Anth, 102(1)79-89.).

The phylogeography of haplogroup C suggest that this American founder haplogroup differentiated in Siberia—Asia (24). The situation is not so clear for haplogrop B2, but A2 and D1 probably differentiated after the mongoloid Native Americans lineages diverged after crossing the Beringa Straits (24)

Haplogroup A2 has the motif 1611T,16223c, 16290T, 16319A and 16223C (25). Haplogroup A is rare in Siberia (26). Interestingly, haplogroup A absent in western North America is common in parts of Central America and Northern America where the Spanish reported the existence of Black Native American communities(1-2).

The presence of mtDNA haplogroup A among Native Americans does not mean Africans may have been representatives of the population from which Luzia originated. Haplogroup A is found among Mixe and Mixtecs .

The mtDNA A haplogroup common to Native Americans is also found among the Mande speaking people and some East Africans .The Mande speakers carry mtDNA haplogroup A, which is common among Mexicans . In addition to the Mande speaking people of West Africa, Southeast Africa Africans also carry mtDNA haplogroup A . The Gullah people of North Carolina also carry haplogroups A and B .

In addition we find Black/Negro/African people in the Mexican codexes including Codex Telleriano and Codex Mendoza.

In addition to the textual evidence of Blacks in Mexico we also iconographic evidence from Mayan sub-pyramids of Blacks. For example, there are pictures of black scientists and chief from the Xultun pyramid.

Check out these papers to learn more about the African genes carried by Mayan Indians:

There were many Black Mayas like the Lancandon Maya Native American below..

The Popol Vuh, gives us insight into Mayan history.

In the Popol Vuh it is made clear that the ancestors of the Quiche Maya came from across the sea. We will use quotes from Tedlocks translation of the Popol Vuh

We shall write about this now amid the preaching of God,in Christendom now. We shall bring it out because there is no longer a place to see it, a Council Book, a place to see “The Light That Came from Beside the Sea”, the account of “Our Place in the Shadows”, a place to see “The Dawn of Life”……(p.63).

The ancestors of the Maya came from east. “…[b]the first people came from beside the sea, from the east. They came here in ancient times. When they died they were very old” (p.175).

Claiming that their acestors came from the East is very important. East of the Maya, would be the Gulf Region where the Mande/Olmec people settled and founded the Olmec civilization.

You guys, in your racism assume that their were no Blacks among the Maya. This is a false view. The Popol Vuh notes that: They didn’t know where they were going. They did this for a long time, when they were there in the grasslands:the black people, the white people, people of many faces, people of many languages, uncertain there at the edge of the sky (pp.149-150).

The Blacks introduced civilization among the Maya. In the Popol Vuh, it is noted that And then the boys made fire with drill and rosted, the bird over the fire. And they coated one of the birds with plaster, they put gypsum on it (p.86).

It is interesting to note that the boys drilling are depicted as Blacks in the Dresden and Tro-Cotesianus Codexes.

As a result, the color Black and Black individuals were recognized as important in Mayan culture. The major Black gods were God C, Xaman and Ekchuah. God C is personification of the concept of sacreness. It has the phonetic value of ku or ch’in deity or sacreness. The Mayan term for deity/god is of Mande Olmec origin:

Maya ……..English………Mande



This is another indication of the Olmec origin of Mayan civilization.

The jaguar played an important role in Mayan society as it did in Africa. The jaguar pelt or cushion was the symbol of the ‘enthroned lord’. This is why we see the jaguar pelt around the neck of the Black royal represented in the Chama vase.

Blacks also introduced writing and trade among the Maya. The usual Mayan term for black is ’Ek’. Thus the merchant god signified by the back pack staff and etc was called Ekchuah. Thus we see these Blacks, gods etc. represented in many Mayan Codexes.

The fact is that there were Black Maya, and that these Blacks played an important role in Mayan society.

Many pyramids are probably of Black Mayan origin. This is evident in the dragon motifs.


This Olmec motif is found on pyramids that were covered over by later Mayan pyramids. These sub pyramids were probably built by the Olmec.



A good example of the Architectural skill and innovations of the First Nation Blacks is the pyramidal complex at Xultun. These Blacks left evidence of their identity in the architectural workroom.

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The Xultun pyramidal complex shows a variety of architectural styles and buildings


The First Nation Blacks in Mexico had a right to create their own architectural style just like other Blacks in Africa who developed different pyramidal styles

The Blacks of the Mokaya traditions were not Olmec. The civilization of the Mokaya traditions began 700 years before the Olmec arrived in Mexico

In most history text the Ocos are presented as the original founders of Mayan civilization. As you can see from the art they do not look like native Americans they look negro like other Africans.



About the writer: Dr. Clyde Winters, has taught in the Chicago Public Schools for 36 years. He has taught Education and Linguistic Courses at Saint Xavier University-Chicago. As a teacher in the Chicago Public Schools Dr. Winters wrote State Standards in the 1990's for the Chicago Public School system and Common Core State Standards for Social Studies. He also wrote the 6th Grade World History Lesson Plans used in the CPS in 2000.



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